Friday, December 4, 2009

Ava's First Haircut!

Baby Ava had her first haircut yesterday and was such a "BIG GIRL". It definitely helped to have our favorite hairdresser Jamie and big sister going first! Ava had the biggest smile on her face and loved having water sprayed on her hair. She kept saying "it tickles"! Let's just say Ava & Emma were like little celebrities for a day at Great Clips!!


MISTY and CO... said...

Soooo cute!!!

Becki said...

Ava....You're such a big girl!! We miss you guys and need to get together soon!!
Beck & libby

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Our Story

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We are a classic doctor-nurse romance that started in Dallas in 2003. Marriage quickly followed in 2004. Our lives have been blessed by Emma Grace in August of 2006 and baby Ava Elizabeth in February 2008. Many smiles and much laughter fill our home each day!