Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday "baby" Ava!!!

Ava can't believe she is 3 already.....and we can't either! I keep telling her I want her to still be my baby.....her response..."mom, if you'll just let me be 3 and have my birthday party at the zoo, i'll be 2 again and be your baby" sweet!! We had a fun party at the Phoenix Zoo with G-ma Lor Lor, Baby Jim, Steve & Stephanie and our new wonderful friends from Omaha Grace and Cameron.
Ava was thrilled to get a new "big girl" bike like Emma's! Thanks to everyone for making her day special!! So fun to have a February birthday outside at the zoo....only in Arizona!


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We are a classic doctor-nurse romance that started in Dallas in 2003. Marriage quickly followed in 2004. Our lives have been blessed by Emma Grace in August of 2006 and baby Ava Elizabeth in February 2008. Many smiles and much laughter fill our home each day!